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The Wondernaut Motto

Wondernauts will use our curiosity, intelligence, and sense of wonder to discover and learn together.


Throughout our journey we will face challenges and tasks that will ask us to think hard, think creatively, and consult the world around us. As we complete these challenges, we'll earn badges to mark our success.

Wondernaut Badges:



Wondernauts in Space

Wondernauts 2020 explores the Wonders of Space. Inspired by the exhibit Jews in Space: Members of the Tribe in Orbit, we will dive into challenges about everything from ancient star patterns to famous firsts in space science, to the imaginings of writers and artists picturing a distant future. We'll even be observing our own skies!


Select a topic below to get started.

Travel back in time and explore how people of the past studied and explained the mysteries of space.

Learn the whos and whats of space as we know them today.

Find inspiration in the imaginings of authors, filkmmakers, artists and more to create your own visions of the future.

Join the space community and explore the skies above you.

Here you will find discussions, questions, art and more created and shared by your fellow Wondernauts! This is also where you will share your work to earn various Wondernaut badges. 

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